A Tailored HTTPD Log Monitoring Script - Pinwire
 In Sci & Tech, Video

In the realm of web server management, security is a paramount concern. One effective strategy for identifying and mitigating potential threats is continuously monitoring server logs. In this blog post, we’ll explore a custom script designed to monitor Apache logs, for all of your user accounts, and highlight specific patterns associated with security risks.

multiple httpd log files with highlighted text

Script Overview:

# This file displays all of the logs for web accocunts with highlighted words in a constant stream.
# By Tom McGuire - VisualMoxie.com
shopt -s extglob
export GREP_COLOR='1;37;41'
tail -f /var/log/apache2/domlogs/!(*bytes*) -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log | grep --color=auto -E '(^cpanel|stdin|eval|wp-config.php|SEO|seo|Seo|bot|Ubuntu|xmlrpc|spider|spider|python|crawler|Crawler|wp-login|login|wp-admin|zoom|curl|exec|passthru|eval|shell_exec|assert|str_rot13|system|phpinfo|base64_decode|chmod|mkdir|fopen|fclose|readfile)'

Breaking Down the Script:

  1. Extended Globbing Enabled:
    shopt -s extglob

    This line activates extended pattern-matching features in Bash, allowing for more advanced pattern matching during file path expansion.

  2. Color-Coded Output:
    export GREP_COLOR='1;37;41'

    The script sets the GREP_COLOR environment variable to ‘1;37;41’, configuring the color of matched text when using the grep command. In this case, it represents bold white text on a red background.

  3. Continuous Log Monitoring:
    tail -f /var/log/apache2/domlogs/!(*bytes*) -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log

    The tail command is used to continuously display the contents of two log files. The first file, located in /var/log/apache2/domlogs/, excludes files ending with “bytes” using extended globbing. The second file is /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log.

  4. Pattern-Based Filtering:
    | grep --color=auto -E '...'

    The output from tail is piped to grep, which searches for lines matching a specified extended regular expression pattern. The --color=auto option enables colored output for matched text. The pattern targets potential security threats or suspicious activities in web server logs.

This script is a valuable tool for enhancing web server security by providing real-time monitoring of logs and highlighting entries that match predefined patterns associated with security risks. The color-coded output aids in quickly identifying and responding to potential threats, making it an essential addition to the toolkit of server administrators focused on maintaining a secure online environment.

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